Dorothy Wage History
Top Worker Review
orionhawk Fast Reader
straw preference - $0.10
$3.46 / hour
00:01:44 / completion time
Underpaid for time, and I'm fast.Advice to Requester
"How often do you go to coffee shops?" a minimum of "twice a month" is a ridiculous assumption. Also, you "important things about straws" bit needs to allow multiple selections. Paper straws are not acceptably durable, AND tend to taste funky.Also also, it's worth noting that the entire plastic straw "thing" was literally based on some borderline-ridiculous assumptions by a 6th-grader on a science project - he did reasonable-ish math to get total number of straws used... and then assumed that 100% of plastic straws used in a country 4000 miles wide would end up in the ocean.