William Gornall Ratings
William Gornall Wage History
Top Worker Reviews
SilenceOfTheClams Relaxed Pace
Rate companies. Read ten 150 word company descriptions and answer 1 multiple choice question on each. - $2.00
$6.67 / hour
00:18:00 / completion time
You get 2 bucks I guess?Chance to win $10 bonus if you perform in the top 2% of workers. Slim chance but possible.
LongSO MUCH reading. Much more than the average $2 hit.
150 words EACH description comes out to over 3,600 words in total just for the descriptions. That's 10 pages of double spaced 12pt Times New Roman font in Word, with no blank lines or space after paragraphs, just blocks of text filling the entire page. Yes I went out of my way to check this, and no I have no idea why I'm wasting my time on it.
You have to read very carefully because the attention checks are buried in the text and very easy to miss if you're not paying attention. They're also worded differently than the typical ones you see so you won't recognize them on sight.
some very brief typing on each pair of descriptions
The above takes too much time and effort for the pay
dgrochester55 Average Pace
Rate companies. Read ten 150 word company descriptions and answer 1 multiple choice question on each. - $2.00
$12.06 / hour
00:09:57 / completion time
- HIT Rejected
Would have paid well if approvedCons
I am editing this based on the requester response and my looking through the survey again through mturk suite. There is one attention check that is very easy to miss.The rest of the work would show that I read the questions and made thoughtful choices based on how I would personally make the choice in a real life scenario, so I would hope the the requester would take that into consideration.
Others are reporting rejections to on both TV and TO so I am not the only one to have gone through it.
Technically, the rejection is valid, but I would not work for this requester again.
Advice to Requester
Attention checks should be filtering out obvious random clickers and not a tricky hidden "lets see how many people I can get" game
YOU ANSWERED: "1 is a little more specifc and they seems to have tested the product more" TO THE FOLLOWING ATTENTION QUESTION (*** added for emphasis): "From: Katherine Kim <katherinemkim1@stanford.edu>
AfterDarkMark Average Pace
Rate companies. Read ten 150 word company descriptions and answer 5 multiple choice questions on them - $2.00
$32.00 / hour
00:03:45 / completion time
Could be slower for some.** I was rejected on this for missing an attention check***, but not marking it that way cause I can't remember an attention check in this. So, am curious if there is one. If anyone sees this before (or after reviewing) can you let me know in your review that there was an AC, just so I know there was one. Thanks. Guessing I made a mistake cause it was late and one of the last tasks I did, but pretty rare I get a rejection, so really am curious. Thanks again for any info.