Michael McCullough Ratings
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Top Worker Reviews
sarin Unreliably Fast
Decision-making and Personality Survey - $1.00 +4.00 bonus Confirmed!
$41.00 / hour
00:07:19 / completion time
University of MiamiSome IRB info provided
Answer a lot of generic psych questions, then questions digging into your personal life
Bonus depending on how you answer in the study
The 40 minute estimate is thankfully inaccurate here
Pretty disgusting survey, as it wants to guilt trip you out of the $4 bonus, then gets into a set of questions that digs heavily into your childhood and your parents' lives. It feels like you're trying to fill out a form for your therapist on why you're depressed with how personal the questions are.The requester threatens to reject you several times in the frame and in the survey itself, as he wants one response per worker ID or IP address or whatever. They also only provide some IRB info at the end of the survey, so if you want to contact him you'll have to complete the survey again just for his info.
Some of the pages are VERY bubbly, and the survey uses an old Qualtrics format, so it's a lot of clicking on small radio buttons
Awful survey tbh
Morgainne Proficient Worker
Decision-making and Personality Survey - $1.00 +4.00 bonus Confirmed!
$18.40 / hour
00:16:18 / completion time
There's a bonus yippee.Cons
I'm used to these kinds of survey questions but it was still an unpleasant experience. One of the pages was like an ocean of bubbles just scrolling on and on. There were also sliders and some writing. Demographics were very extensive and very personal but some did have an option to not answer if you did not want to. This survey basically sucked in a nutshell.EssArrBee Average Pace
Decision-making and Personality Survey - $1.00 +4.00 bonus Confirmed!
$12.61 / hour
00:23:48 / completion time
One of those surveys where you answers open up new sections so some people have to answer more questions. It's all bubble and slider hell too. I hate being in a demo that researchers want to study. Why do I have to be so broken inside? Kill me now. :P