LIL Lab Ratings
LIL Lab Wage History
Top Worker Reviews
Sigil 1 Proficient Worker
[Compensation as Bonus; Expert] Multi-reference Game Human Eval Group F - $0.01 +2.90 bonus
$12.14 / hour
00:14:23 / completion time
Closed QualCons
This pays absolute trash in terms of bonuses. This review is representative of the the average of two HITs, one that was 16 minutes, one that was 11 minutes, and which paid 1.60 and 1.33 in bonuses, both averaging to underpaid in general. This is a hard task to deal with and yet it's not particularly worth it. This isn't the first time where they underestimate the amount of time/don't really care how long it takes and under values the bonuses in order to do them, leading to much lower payments then is should had been.Closed Qual
This is a qual coming slowly to an end. This will be the last relevent reviews for this task.
KelKoval78 Relaxed Pace
[One HIT at a time; Possible Bonus] HIT for Two-Player Tangram Reference Game - $0.30 +2.05 bonus Confirmed!
$15.27 / hour
00:09:14 / completion time
This was one of the best HITS I have done in such a long time. It was very well put together and very enjoyable to do. They put this together flawlessly, such a fantastic job. It was creative and pleasure to do. I hope that the Researcher continues to post this HIT.Cons
Advice to Requester
Thank you! It is HITS like this that make really long days worth it.malysa Average Pace
[One HIT at a time; Compensation as Bonus; Expert] Two-Player Multi-reference Game All - $0.01 +0.91 bonus Confirmed!