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ThisPoorGuy Average Pace
Political Design Study (about 10 minutes) - $1.00
$11.32 / hour
00:05:18 / completion time
Ok hourly.Cons
Asks if you're in favor/opposed to illegal immigration. I hate this question. Rant time. It entirely misrepresents the issue and introduces heavy bias into whatever survey or data you're trying to get. It's like asking "Do you think that the president is being treated unfairly by the evil democrats who are children of the devil?" You either come off looking like you want to flaunt the laws or build a big ass wall and keep people out when in reality, I feel like there's probably very few people who are actually in favor of illegal immigration. There's probably a lot more people who instead are against illegal immigration but are in favor of immigration in general.Ok...rant time off.
TL;DR; Poorly worded question design.
bmt Proficient Worker
Typeface (font) Evaluation Study (about 15 minutes, No mobile please) - $1.50
$14.44 / hour
00:06:14 / completion time
Description: Look at 2 ads and answer questions about them. General bubble questions follow. Demographics. There's a feedback form.Cons
- Political content.- Seems like there are 2 survey codes, one that they give to you and another with the standard Qualtrics box after that, but the second threw an error so IDK.
Crow44 Fast Reader
Fashion Brand Evaluation Survey (about 15 minutes) - $1.50
$7.12 / hour
00:12:38 / completion time
A bunch of the usual predictable questions we see about brands and productsCons
Bubble hell, poorly paid even though I was rushing, 1 writing question, tedious dumb questions like "How in awe of the brand are you after seeing the ad?" When has anyone ever felt awe after seeing an ad...Advice to Requester
Ask more realistic questions and make the survey shorter