Kari Koivisto Ratings
Workers feel this requester pays generously
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Kari Koivisto Wage History
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Troy Average Pace
Take photos of your feet! It's more fun than a survey! - $6.50
$12.83 / hour
00:30:24 / completion time
- HIT Rejected
Its not difficult and the directions are decently clearEDIT: Contact with the requester was very quick. I asked if I could provide the photo's they needed for reversal and they stated they could. I asked for the directions and they provided them over to me. I will complete these tomorrow morning and hopefully have it reversed. Will update after all is said and done.
Rejected for missing photos. All 54 were there and I even sent in the initial submission email over to them that if there was anything incorrect that I would be more than willing to re-take a bunch of them. Even sent them my personal email address.The issue comes to getting the files over. I took them on my phone and uploaded to drive, which then downloaded to my desktop and then zipped them from there. This was a lengthy process since the entire set of 54 pics was 254mb. Mturk I thought had a limit on file size submissions, but I was able to send the .zip file which was roughly the same size as the individual photos, without any issues. That being said, YMMV depending how you get the files from one point to the next.
Missing - FootProtracted_Left(barefoot and socks), FootProtracted_Right(barefoot and socks), 45Degrees_Right_RightFoot(barefoot), Exterior_Protracted_RightFoot(barefoot)
InfiniteChanges Proficient Worker
Take photos of your feet! It's more fun than a survey! - $6.00
$ / hour
00:00:00 / completion time
- Same setup (including instructional photos) as the Alex Chung / Noah HIT- YOLO for SCIENCE!
- No TV reviews- 9 dollar pay cut
- Not putting in time, uploading will be variable and people who've done this before will be much much faster
BurntToast Fast Reader
Take photos of your feet! It's more fun than a survey! (take part only once) - $6.50