Germinator Task Ratings
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Troy Average Pace
A Study on Attention and Mental Health v11 - $15.60 +3.00 bonus
$13.90 / hour
01:20:16 / completion time
Its over!Cons
Oh man. Where do I begin?1) The time you see here is very similar to what you will do this in assuming no breaks in between trials.
2) Part 1 is 4 blocks, each taking 4 minutes(yes, this is an accurate estimate stated by the requester).
3) Part 2 is 8 blocks, each also taking 4 minutes
4) Part 1 is relatively paintless
5) Part 2 is awful. Just mind numbingly awful. I would rather do a thousand James Billings, than have to do Part 2 again. It requires constant attention. You look away for a second, you'll miss a trial and you'll get one step closer to not getting the $3.00 bonus for completing all trials with a >80% average
6) Part 1 and 2 each have an actual 4 minute block that you need to complete successfully with >80% accuracy in order to advance.
Lets do some maths.
Part 1: 4min x 5 blocks(trial+4)=20min
Part 2: 4min x 9 blocks(trial+8)=36min
=56 minutes of mind numbing finger alternating tasks. This does not consider the breaks you can take, or take into consideration additional blocks if your brain screwed up the K and the D buttons on part 2 like mine did. My keyboard almost went across the room trying to get past the training block of Part 2 since I wrote down the instructions incorrectly on my scratch pad.
Overall, this is pure, unadulterated punishment. I've done similar mind numbing HITs, but at least they paid out and you felt like you were really doing it for something. I got to the end of this one and I felt empty.
Oh. AC's. Watch out for those on Part 3 where there are 196 pages. Some pages have more than one question on them, some don't.
bmt Proficient Worker
A Study on Attention and Mental Health v9 - $15.60 +3.00 bonus Confirmed!
$14.99 / hour
01:14:27 / completion time
- Fair compensation for a very long study, for once.- $3 bonus for 80%+ accuracy; paid out 5/30
- Part I has to do with pressing keys if you see certain things on the screen and you need, I think it was 70% minimum accuracy? I'm not sure what happens if you go below that. There are 8 blocks and two tasks, so 16 parts for the first task; you get breaks between blocks but you cannot pause during a task. RIP if your face gets itchy or someone rings your doorbell.
- Part II is a questionnaire split up into those brain teaser questions (spatial visualization, mostly, not math) and then a boatload of mental health/substance abuse questions, including the standard ones. There were 199 pages; every question had its own page and a slight timer before the Next button appeared, so this part could definitely have been designed to be more efficient for the survey taker.
- I felt every minute of this.- No feedback form at the end.
- A couple questions seemed to assume everyone taking the study was heterosexual (asking about the opposite sex) which seemed odd in 2020.
Random Jobber Fast Reader
A Study on Attention and Mental Health v11 - $15.60 +3.00 bonus Confirmed!
$15.03 / hour
01:14:14 / completion time
Bonus seems reasonably easy to achieve with focusCons
57 minutes of very boring timed button pressing tasks, says the survey afterwards is self-paced which isn't exactly true as two substantial sections of it have timers even though the questionnaires are presented 1 question per page. Multiple questions in the survey could potentially have short written responses depending on how you answer. Overall pay is kind of meh IMO for the amount of time and boredom involved.