ML Researcher Ratings
Workers feel this requester pays fairly
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Top Worker Reviews
dagodago11 Average Pace
Follow navigation instruction to the goal location - $0.50
Rejected (Some)
$33.96 / hour
00:00:53 / completion time
- HIT Rejected
They are pretty straightforward when the instructions are detailed and do have a good hourly rate.Cons
Final Update: IRB got back to me on the situation. UCSB has a great IRB department. They were super nice and communicative on figuring out how to resolve this as the rejections were past the 30 day mark and I could no longer have them overturned. The IRB was basically the middleman as the requester would not respond to any messages still. The requester issued out a bonus to compensate for the time spent over the rejections and the bonuses they promised in the HIT for accurate answers. I fully believe the requester would not have sent any bonuses out or shown any concern if the IRB hadn't been involved. Would not work for them again.Edit: Welp they rejected the HITs I've done but I'm giving them time to see *if* they respond but here's their IRB for reference, as they are a PhD student at UCSB.
Update #2: Got into contact with their IRB (they responded quickly) and are currently investigating the matter and determining who exactly the requester is in order to rectify the situation. Hopefully this will hinder the requester from using the platform in the future and cease scamming other workers.
Rejected almost instantly with just "X". Cool. I'm assuming the instructions to navigate were not evaluated prior to releasing this batch because some are in broken English or the navigation is VERY, and I mean, VERY VAGUE. For example, some have short instructions like "go to the sink in the bathroom", okay, this house has 4 bathrooms. "Find the lobby" in a small apartment.
Sent them a lengthy email (judging by the past years worth of reviews, I probably won't get a response back) but if they don't respond within the week, I'll be contacting their University's IRB.
Advice to Requester
If you're going to threaten giving out rejections, make sure you're providing workers with a fair shot and QA your HITs before handing out unfair rejections. And respond to emails.StuffAlleySays Average Pace
Watch a 10-second interesting video and describe it in one sentence (5 per assignment)! - $0.30
Rejected (Some)
$8.57 / hour
00:02:06 / completion time
- HIT Rejected
Simple, write description of video in at least ten words.Cons
Some videos slower to load.1 of 10 hits completed was rejected, the others were paid. Reason given was 1 did not meet requirements. While this is possible I did try to ensure each description met the 10 word minimum and was phrased according to the rules.
I have emailed the requester and will update with the results and rate communication once that has been completed.
I contacted the requester to inquire about the issue with the hit which was rejected. I was extrememly polite, I explained that knowing what went wrong with the hit would allow me to adjust my response to meet his/her needs more fully. I also offered to correct the error I made and all the typical rejection appeal tactics one would expect. It has been over 3 days and there has yet to be a response. I understand that requesters are not required to communicate with us, however, an unwillingness to reach out to the worker base when posting batch work is just a huge red flag to me. Given that I completed multiple hits and there was only an issue with 1 of them leaves me unable to complete further work if I don't understand where I went wrong.
madcat2k Fast Reader
Follow navigation instruction to the goal location - $0.50
$36.00 / hour
00:00:50 / completion time
- HIT Rejected
Good pay, IF it pays.Cons
Awful requester. I've been burned by them before. Out of all my rejections, 15% comes from this requester alone over 10 years. Anyway, this task is SUBJECTIVE. It asks you to find a location, and you may think you've found it, but no, you're in the wrong place apparently and get insta rejected. 50% of my hits were rejected by this monster, even though I am sure that at least 95% were within 1-2 meters.