Aubra Shepard Ratings
Aubra Shepard Wage History
Top Worker Reviews
Calexit Average Pace
Understanding Personality (updated description)(~ 20 minutes) - $2.25
$21.54 / hour
00:06:16 / completion time
From instructions: f you agree to participate, you will be asked to answer questions about yourself. There are 156 questions, and there is no writing/text entry for this survey except for a one-word text entry question to verify you are not a bot. There are no screeners. Based on data from the first 249 workers to take this survey, 16% of workers will finish within 7 minutes, 36% of workers within 12.5 minutes, and 84% of workers will finish within 19 minutes. Most of the remaining 16% will finish within 26 minutes. Generally, it is reasonable to spend between 6 and 40 minutes on the survey depending on how quickly you prefer to answer, though most people will fall somewhere in the middle of that range. This information has been provided so that you can decide if the compensation for the HIT is suitable given your working style. The allowed time on the survey will be 60 minutes, to accommodate breaks/unexpected interruptions. You will be compensated $2.25 (USD) for completion of this survey. Payment will be awarded within 48 hours of completion at the absolute maximum. The contact for this study is Aubra Shepard ( Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.Cons
javaqueen Relaxed Pace
Understanding Personality (~ 23 minutes) - $2.25
$13.57 / hour
00:09:57 / completion time
Fast and easy. Just marking things you believe about your own self. Can't get any easier than that. Requester seems to understand some people read a lot faster than others!Cons
None that I could see.Trucker Relaxed Pace
Understanding Personality (~ 23 minutes) - $2.25
$12.86 / hour
00:10:30 / completion time
Easy Multiple Choice. No Writing.Cons
No Progress Bar.