GeoHIVE Administrator Ratings
Workers feel this requester pays well
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GeoHIVE Administrator Wage History
Top Worker Reviews
ThisPoorGuy Average Pace
Search through Satellite Imagery to find various objects. - $0.23
$7.67 / hour
00:01:48 / completion time
Slightly higher pay per HIT than other geos per HIT. Hourly is probably slightly less though.Cons
Takes a lot of effort/extra time. The next map button does not allow you to proceed until a certain amount of time has passed even if there's nothing to tag on the map. Sometimes servers can be slow and the next map tile takes a while to load. There are better geo hits out there.knottypiper Relaxed Pace
Draw a box around features in an image - $0.03
$27.00 / hour
00:00:04 / completion time
Super quick, very straight-forward HITs.Very communicative requester who is also a nice guy.
Drops huge batches at once that you can grind for long periods of time, which add up to very generous hourly pay.
Fast approval (2 days).
Won't reject if you make an honest effort.
Their servers sometimes slow down when too many people work on them at once, but it's usually not a problem.Advice to Requester
Release any and all of your HITs every single day, please. :)ChrisTurk Fast Reader
Choose the best fitting box around an object from 4 images. - $0.02
$24.00 / hour
00:00:03 / completion time
Great hourlyPretty easy work
Very bad layout by default.Super frustrating for 90% of the batch to be focused on looking for a basketball court and randomly you'll get thrown images of a golf course or something. The natural response is to mark it as a bad box because you get into a flow of only looking for one type of object. I always end up submitting a couple bad HITs/batch due to this.