CompHCI Lab Ratings
CompHCI Lab Wage History
Top Worker Reviews
TheWerkz Average Pace
Answer survey questions using our smart agent - $2.50
$29.80 / hour
00:05:02 / completion time
This has to be done on an Android phone on Google Assistant using their Smart Surveyor link to access it.There's only a few questions, although the first one was for your home address, but, there's a "Prefer not to answer" option for all of the questions.
This whole thing seemed way too fast for the pay, hoping it's not rejected...
I actually did it twice, the first time it just ended and said "Smart Surveyor left the conversation." and there wasn't a completion code given...I read the fine-print on the HIT page before I saw the "you will receive your code when you tell Google Assistant you do not want to answer any more survey questions".
After doing the questions again, I selected the option that I to answer any more survey questions, and then it gave me a code.
The code was 16 digits (Hex), and there was no way to copy it to the clipboard to be able to paste it into the HIT page, I had to type it and I took a screenshot on my phone too.
Not a huge deal, just a hassle, we've all probably done much more for much less pay.
Advice to Requester
You really should test this first so that your instructions align with what the app does when it's being used by respondendents.Xanabanana Proficient Worker
Select at least 10 photo-realistic images - $2.50
$14.06 / hour
00:10:40 / completion time
Only have to watch the instructional video for the first HIT from this requester if doing more in the future. Task is interesting and straight-forward. Depending on your own perfectionism, could take longer.Cons
Have to watch a mandatory ~4:30 video explaining how to work the interface. Images are generated/tweaked by computer algorithm, so you could have a hard time finding "good" images amidst the downright weird.earthglows Average Pace
Answer survey questions using our smart agent - $2.50
$16.85 / hour
00:08:54 / completion time
. Must complete on android phone with google assistant. Had minor issues with this one. During the middle of answering questions, I went to answer a question and my search assistant looked up high schools near me. I had to restart and the same thing happened on a different question. Was able to click back and complete it and get my confirmation code the second time, though