VAT: 501082522 Universidade Catolica Portuguesa Ratings
VAT: 501082522 Universidade Catolica Portuguesa Wage History
Top Worker Reviews
Hedgmog Careful Reader
Please answer a survey (about 12 minutes)(~ 12 minutes) - $0.55
$5.38 / hour
00:06:08 / completion time
Answer one page of questions - read some news headlines - answer a couple of questions in relation to these headlines - answer a few 'self' type questions - answer various questions about a product - work through a page of filling in the blanks on words - demographics - could be done fasterCons
Attention check questions - TERRIBLY UNDERPAIDEmC Average Pace
Please answer a survey (about 4 minutes)(~ 4 minutes) - $0.20
$3.58 / hour
00:03:21 / completion time
Severely underpaid, and they rejected me with this feedback "Thank you for your work Very best wishes to you" Going on my block list right away. I have disputed, and we will see.Advice to Requester
Please be more careful when accepting or rejecting work. We put good effort into our work. If it was accidental please be more careful, but if purposeful it is unprofessional to reject my work and still use it without paying me, especially with the comment thanking me for my work. Your hit was also severely underpaid. The only reason I continued was because I had gotten far enough I didn't want to leave it undone.Janya Relaxed Pace
Please answer a survey (about 7 minutes)(~ 7 minutes) - $0.35
$1.78 / hour
00:11:48 / completion time
I don't even know why I completed this one. It seemed fairly easy at first, then there were writing prompts. I should've returned it at that point. I'll be blocking this requester from this point on.Advice to Requester
You need to pay us better for our time with the amount of work that goes into this one. This pays FAR FAR below even poverty level.