Noah Turk Ratings
Noah Turk Wage History
Top Worker Reviews
Yoyo Average Pace
Please generate a question and answer pair using two given paragraphs. - $1.50
Rejected (Some)
$21.01 / hour
00:04:17 / completion time
- HIT Rejected
These can sometimes be easy pay if you manage to get a good combination of paragraphs.Can be done in only a few minutes sometimes. Meaning you can potentially make something like $18 an hour if all goes well.
The HITs sometimes do not load, or they take so long you don't have enough time to finish them.The paragraphs generated don't often give you enough information to actually ask a question.
I've received feedback that the questions need to so specific that a person could not feasibly get any other answer, but this is very difficult to do when you have two snippets of paragraphs taken two entirely unrelated news stories from 2001.
Sometimes both paragraphs were just metadata that a web-crawler seemed to have copied from the website, and I had to form a question around that! It was nearly impossible, and of course, my work was rejected. I received feedback saying that in these cases, I should simply use the SKIP button to get a new paragraph pair. But I tried that while I was working on these HITs! The button does not work, much like the HIT itself half of the time!
I've had 9 of the 58 HITs I submitted rejected, which is just over a 15% rejection rate, and $15 and and an hour of work down the drain. While these HITs SEEM like easy money, there's way too much that can go wrong with them to be worth this much pay and risk of rejection.
If you feel that it's worth it to you, by all means, go ahead. But be sure to throw back any one of these you get that seems like it has the chance to be rejected - especially if it's just a bunch of credit and "written by" info from an old newspaper.
Advice to Requester
You've either got to pre-screen every single paragraph and combination of paragraphs before you send these HITs out, or you have to be much more lienent with the work people are doing, because they're being given impossible tasks and punished for failing to do them.Also, fixing the HITs so that all of the buttons work would be nice as well! Perhaps making sure they load correctly and in a timely fashion, too?
lanaaa Relaxed Pace
Please generate a question and answer pair using two given paragraphs. - $1.50
Rejected (All)
$10.76 / hour
00:08:22 / completion time
- HIT Rejected
Most of the paragraphs make no sense as in they don't have anything to do with one another so it makes it difficult to incorporate both into the answer. Noah is already notoriously hit or miss in terms of even being able to complete any of their hits I should have known that the fact that this batch even loaded was too good to be true. It's just not worth it.Advice to Requester
I know these are being manually reviewed, I think you should reconsider rejections on hits in which we we did our best with what was given to us. I understand that your instructions were clear but the examples given were way better than what was on the actual hit.meyop88 Relaxed Pace
Answer questions about objects in the yellow bounded box within each image - $0.25
$31.03 / hour
00:00:29 / completion time
great pay.Cons
Only 1 min timer. No instructions.Recognize the object in the yellow box and list 3 properties of it.
Some objects were beyond any recognition.