Yu Research Group Ratings
Yu Research Group Wage History
Top Worker Reviews
Calexit Average Pace
You can earn $1 for participation plus up to $10.3 bonus!(~ 50 minutes) - $1.00 +5.00 bonus Confirmed!
$8.82 / hour
00:40:50 / completion time
Good communication. Requester paid $5 bonus instead of the $2.14 that I had earned up to point of being stuck in limbo.Cons
Broken. I was stuck in waiting room 2 for at least 7 minutes. I finally submitted with my worker id, so hopefully I'll at least get the bonus, but probably just a rejection. This is the hit from hell. First of all wait for players, then watch a boring 6 minute video. Next is a practice game. Then sit around in a waiting room. Next there are 10 rounds with a chance for bonus depending on choices made by other workers. (I earned 2.14) This is followed up by another boring video. Then back to the waiting room. Here you wait for others to join. After waiting 3 minutes I was given the choice of waiting for another 3 minutes or getting a completion code. I opted for the code, but it went back to the waiting room where it's in limbo after 7 minutes. At that point I just put in my workers id and submitted.ETA: Got a $5 bonus
purplepotato Fast Reader
Earn $3 for participation plus up to $15 in bonus (NEED TO BE TAKEN IMMEDIATELY)(~ 60 minutes) - $3.00 +16.30 bonus Confirmed!
$38.51 / hour
00:30:04 / completion time
Pay is generous even without removing the wait time. You also have to option to leave and just take the base pay after 3 minutes if you're not paired with anyone. Bonus paid the same day.Cons
About 10 total minutes of passive waiting which I did not include in my completion time, both at the start and midway through for others to catch up with the instructions. My group was very quick, but you could get stuck with slow pokes. 20 seconds of wait time after every round, which seemed really unnecessary and added like 7-8 extra minutes to the hit.AfterDarkMark Average Pace
Group decision exercise (earn up to about $12)(~ 45 minutes) - $0.00 +2.00 bonus
$7.27 / hour
00:16:30 / completion time
99% approval. Most people have a better experience, but we didn't have our last group member show up.Cons
7.5 min instruction vid & you get screwed over if someone doesn't show up. Had the option to keep waiting, but wasn't sure how long that could be and if I would just be waiting an extra 5-10 minutes to still only get $1 if no one still showed up. Should be a better pay structure for those that show up. And you have to be in full screen/ can't do other things while waiting.EDIT: messaged requester to complain and he threw me a $2 bonus instead of the $1.