Zoran Tiganj Ratings
Zoran Tiganj Wage History
Top Worker Reviews
AfterDarkMark Average Pace
Judgement Of Recency Task - $8.00
$8.73 / hour
00:55:00 / completion time
ymmv; can likely be done in 50 minute range. $4 bonus if you can get 60% accuracy in each half of the trials, but difficult to meet the threshhold, and I was not paid the bonus, even though I had >60% accuracy (see cons). Will update if paid out. 99% approval.****Approved at exactly 30 days, but no bonus, even though I met the accuracy threshhold.
ymmv; could take longer. Kind of brutal overall.The first half of the trials are easier to hit the >60% threshold for accuracy that is required for the bonus, but the 2nd half was TOUGH. I got 90% in the first half (across 150 trials, so 135/150 correct). My accuracy improved across the 3 sections in the 1st half to average to 90%.
In the second half, I got 56% on the first 50 trials (28/50), 64% on the 2nd 50 trials (32/50), and 62% on the last 50 trials (31/50). So, I barely made it (by 1 correct answer if I'm correct that you need to be above 60% for the bonus and not equal to 60% or above - not disclosed until you start the trials and finish the first 50).
And, I only got 50% on the practice trials, so I'm kind of worried that might mean I don't get the bonus.
So, the bonus might be hit or miss for some. This hit should pay better for the amount of concentration and eye strain involved. The 2nd part really is a lot more difficult, as you need to really rely on intuition and remember things that go back much further than in the 1st half of trials.
Apologies for the length of this.
PescoV Average Pace
Judgement Of Recency Task - $8.00
$10.42 / hour
00:46:04 / completion time
Keyya Relaxed Pace
Judgement of Recency Task - $5.00