MikeAITester Wage History
Top Worker Review
KelKoval78 Relaxed Pace
Perception of ChatGPT 4o - $0.50
$4.63 / hour
00:06:29 / completion time
- HIT Rejected
it seemed like a nice hit to do until I got accused of whatever that bs reason for an A rejection is what an asshole I took that survey honestly and provided honest and my best answer is possible and it's creeps like this that made me leave this platform to begin with he can go to hellCons
Processing time too low (<450 seconds) This moronic **** gave me a rejection for that whatever that's supposed to mean and it's **** bags like this that makes me want to never come back to this platform again i'm barely getting by making $3 a day and taking every single survey with honesty and then this creep whatever his accusation is for the rejection he can shove it up his fat ****