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Amazon Turk Worker Experience Survey - $0.75
$12.68 / hour
00:03:33 / completion time
wasn't particularly biased or anything nor show an obvious misunderstanding of how the platform works.Cons
it was just a survey asking how we feel about certain rejection policies and how if implemented would change the status quo of mturk.-they also asked us to write a prompt about what changes we feel could be made.
-Did have some questions about whether we feel we were taken advantage of by working on mturk, however I didn't feel any sort of bias in wording or range of questions.
-It did ask us a question about how we feel about "our job as mturk survey task takers" though - which was stupid. what a terrible label.
Turk Account Fast Reader
Supervisor survey - $2.75
$20.12 / hour
00:08:12 / completion time
"Potential to earn a bonus depending on the quality of your responses."Cons
Experiential writing task (no minimum length, rather open-ended prompt that doesn't specify enough what they're looking for). It doesn't seem super fair to suggest the possibility of a bonus but not specify actual guidelines for the writing task.Not a fan of this requester's approval rate, but I assume it's a result of responses that happened before they implemented the English fluency qual.
Advice to Requester
If you're actually using the open-ended portion for research purposes, then you should specify more about what you're looking for, for example length and what specific details of the dynamic you're interested in.TKNO Relaxed Pace
Experiences as MTurk Master - $1.00
$9.86 / hour
00:06:05 / completion time
you get to complain about Mturk and get paid for it instead of doing it for free in various forums...could be done faster if you don't beeotch and whine a lot on the writing portion
writing response