Hotel Photos Ratings
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Top Worker Reviews
sarin Unreliably Fast
QUAL - Training Quiz for Scene Classification - $2.00
$3.86 / hour
00:31:03 / completion time
Larsanix Unreliably Fast
Tweet Classification - $0.08
$16.00 / hour
00:00:18 / completion time
Closed qualEasy once you get into the flow of it all.
Appeared to be a stacked batch, numbers did not dwindle as I worked on them, gives ample time to work on them at your own pace.
Approved+paid all concurrently. Very generous despite the fact that I tallied 5 that I submitted incorrectly because I was too close to my hotkey.
(This is not to encourage workers to submit poor work, please dont. Its only to specify that the requester did not reject)
Each batch worked on seemed to be approved after 1-2 days respectively.
Vague instructions.Unintelligible pages of mojibake made these very hard to navigate and understand at many points throughout the HITs, which can be tedious and frustrating. Had that not been an issue these would have been brainless work.
With my scripts, I was able to complete them at a decent pace however some of the tweets were a combination of mojibake and actual categorizable text and that also slows down the process substantially.
For time completion accuracy without scripts, I tested a few hits on one of my other computers that do not have them, one much slower than my norm, and after a few, total hourly was about 7$ an hour. Completion for each one varied from 20-30 seconds for the legible tweets, and anywhere from 40-50 seconds for the long/illegible tweets. Some I was lucky enough to complete in 12-15 seconds, but those were practically freebies.
Without my scripts, these would have been low-underpaid, and imo not worth the hassle of trying to figure out what these people were trying to say for the pay.
Advice to Requester
Please try to clean up the conversion of these, so that they are a little more intelligible.MagicSnowman Relaxed Pace
Property Unit Bedroom Counting - $0.30
$5.51 / hour
00:03:16 / completion time
Has some structure to it.Cons
You have to search for information on poorly organized websites that are often slow-loading and not in English. Additionally you now have to hunt for the comparison pics on the Expedia website, which is itself horribly bloated and slow.If you could find the info reasonably quickly, these HITs would be good, but often you spend precious time hunting and double checking to make sure you didn't miss anything, as well as explain why you didn't find anything so that your HIT gets approved, hopefully.
Too many ifs for work that ends up being sub-$6/hour.
Not worth all the time I spent on the qual.
Advice to Requester
Up the pay on these.