Support for sharing reviews to's Forums
This script adds additional buttons to export your completion times to MTC's forum. It can be used to share information about HITs and participate in their HIT Time competitions!
An example of the export formatting:
Catchability Rating
This is experimental, but for the most part it is meant to convey the likelihood of the HIT becoming available if a worker adds it to their panda manager so that users who cannot have a scraper running for reference can get a quick idea if they should add the panda to their cycler. Ratings essentially break down like this:
Great - The export was created very soon after the HIT last posted to MTurk. There is a good likelihood of being able to catch it as a fresh HIT or on return.
Okay - The export was created a little while since the HIT was last posted to MTurk, which means the only likely chance of catching it is if someone returns it or it expires from another worker's queue.
Expiring Soon - The export was created long after the HIT was last posted, but within a few minutes of it's expected expiration from people who accepted it but did not return it. This is a good opportunity to try & catch the HIT but don't leave the panda on for longer than 5-10 minutes!
Unlikely, Very Low, Terrible, Impossible - The HIT was exported in increasingly long times since it was last uploaded to MTurk, meaning it is incredibly unlikely to be caught on panda and not worth the investment of panda cycles.
Leaving a review
Workers will follow the same flow of leaving a review, this script sits on top of & requires TurkerViewJS to function but it should be a nice addition for users who participate on both platforms to save some time!